Step 9 Let's Learn some Songs

 Nursery Rhymes童謠


9/16= A sailor went to sea,sea, sea






A Sailor Went To Sea - Lyrics

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To see what he could see, see, see

But all that he could see, see, see

Was the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea!

A sailor went to knee, knee, knee

To see what he could knee, knee, knee

But all that he could knee, knee, knee

Was the bottom of the deep blue knee, knee, knee!

(Sea, sea, sea)

A sailor went to chop, chop, chop

To see what he could chop, chop, chop

But all that he could chop, chop, chop

Was the bottom of the deep blue chop, chop, chop!

(Sea, sea, sea)

(Knee, knee, knee)


q1. A sailor went to ________ What?, sea, sea, sea

Ans= sea

q2. Why did the sailor go to sea?

Ans= To see what he could see

q3. But all that he could ____ What? See, see

Ans= see

q4.What did he see?

Ans= the bottom of the deep blue sea, sea, sea! 


9/18 =st


A Wise Old Owl - Lyrics

A wise old owl lived in an oak.

The more he saw the less he spoke.

The less he spoke the more he heard.

Why can't we all be like that wise old bird?



A wise, old owl lived in an oak.

The more he saw, the less he spoke.

The less he spoke, the more he heard.

Why can’t we all be like the wise, old bird?


q1. A wise,old owl lived in a ____What?

Ans= oak.

q2. The more he ____ ,What? the less he spoke.


q3. The less he spoke, the more he ____

Ans= heard

q4.Why can’t we all be like ______ Who?

Ans= the wise, old bird. 






ABC Song (A is for Apple...) - Lyrics

A for Apple, A for Ant

B for Ball, B for Bat

C for Carrot, C for Car

D for Duck, D for Door

E for Elevator, E for Egg

F for Fish, F for Flag

A - B - C - D - E - F - G

H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S , T - U - V,

W - X - Y and Z

G for Guitar, G for Glass

H for Hammer, H for Hat

I for Indian, I for Igloo

J for Jam, J for Juice

K for Kangaroo, K for Key

L for Ladder, L for Leaf

A - B - C - D - E - F - G

H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S , T - U - V,

W - X - Y and Z

M for Monkey, M for Mouse

N for Nail, N for Nose

O for Octopus, O for Orange

P for Paint, P for Popcorn

Q for Question, Q for Queen

R for Radio, R for Rake

A - B - C - D - E - F - G

H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S , T - U - V,

W - X - Y and Z

S for Saw, S for Snake

T for Tree, T for Train

U for Umbrella, U for Unicorn

V for Vacuum, V for Violin

W for Whale, W for Watch

X Axe Box Fox

Y for Yo yo, Y for Yacht

Z for Zebra, Z for Zebra

A - B - C - D - E - F - G

H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P

Q - R - S , T - U - V,

W - X - Y and Z


1q A for _____, A for ant. What?

Ans= apple

2q B for ball, B for ______ What?


3q C for carrot, C for _______ What?









Aiken Drum - Lyrics

There was a man lived in the moon, lived in the moon, lived in the moon.

There was a man lived in the moon,

And his name was Aiken Drum!


And he played upon a ladle, a ladle, a ladle.

And he played upon a ladle,

And his name was Aiken Drum!

And his hat was made of good cream cheese, of good cream cheese, of good cream cheese.

And his hat was made of good cream cheese,

And his name was Aiken Drum.

And his shoes were made of crysty pies, of crusty pies, of crusty pies.

And his shoes were made of crysty pies,

And his name was Aiken Drum.

And his coat was made of good roast beef, of good roast beef, of good roast beef.

And his coat was made of good roast beef,

And his name was Aiken Drum.

And so on...

Tip: Be creative and come up with your own version! What was his hat made by? Maybe icecream? And his coat? Making a new variant is fun! Share your version in the comment field below. Thanks!


1q There was a man who lived _____? What?

Ans= in the moon

2q His name was _______________. What?

Ans=  Aiken Drum!

3q And he played upon a _______,ladle, ladle. What?

A ladle





All The Pretty Little Horses - Lyrics

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry

Go to sleep, my little baby

When you wake, you shall have

All the pretty little horses

Dapples and grays, pintos and bays

All the pretty little horses!

Way down yonder

In the meadow

Poor little baby, crying Mama

Birds and the butterflies

Flutter round his eyes

Poor little baby crying Mamma.

Hush-a-bye, don't you cry

Go to sleep, my little baby

When you wake, you shall have

All the pretty little horses

Dapples and grays, pintos and bays

All the pretty little horses!



q1 Hush-a-bye, don't you_________ What?

Ans= cry

q2 Go to _______ What?

Ans= sleep

q3. my __________________________ What?

Ans= little baby

q4 What will happen when he awakes?

Ans= You'll get/ You shall have.... All the pretty little horses

q5 What's Dapples?

Ans= dappled/ spotted horses

Bq What're pintos?

Ans= 2-toned pinto horses







9/28 no school

9/30 = 5, A Tongue Twister 







4=Betty Botter ( a tongue twister) =

Betty Botter - Lyrics

Betty botter bought some butter

But, she said, the butter is bitter

If I put it in my batter

It will make my batter bitter

But a bit of better butter

Would make my batter better.

So she bought a bit of butter

Better than her bitter butter

And she put it in her batter

And the batter was not bitter

So, that was better Betty Botter

Bought a bit of better butter.



Betty_________= Who?

Ans= Botter

q2 What did she buy?

Ans= some butter

q3 What would make her batter not bitter but better?

Ans= a bit of better butter

q4 What did  she buy?

Ans=she bought a bit of better butter

q5 What did she do w/ it?

Ans= put it in her batter

Bq What happened to the batter?

Ans= the batter was not bitter







Bingo - Lyrics

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O.




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O.




And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O!

(Clap - Clap)-N-G-O!

(Clap - Clap)-N-G-O!

(Clap - Clap)-N-G-O!

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O.

(Clap - Clap - Clap)-G-O!

(Clap - Clap - Clap)-G-O!

(Clap - Clap - Clap)-G-O!

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O.

(Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap)-O!

(Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap)-O!

(Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap)-O!

And Bingo was his name-O!

There was a farmer who had a dog,

And Bingo was his name-O.

(Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap)

(Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap)

(Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap - Clap)

And Bingo was his name-O!



1q There was a farmer who had a ________ What?

Ans= dog

2q and ____________  was his name-o. What was his name?

Ans= Bingo

3q How do you spell Bingo?

Ans= b-i-n-g-o

4q What's bingo in Chinese/trad/Mandarin?

Ans= Da dui le

5q Do you know it in other languages?

Ans= the same in French, it's bingo

w/ an accent in Hungarian

Bq How about the word--dog?

Ans= in Mandarin, it's gou...





Blow Wind, Blow


Blow Wind, Blow - Lyrics

Blow wind, blow

And go, mill, go

That the miller may grind his corn

That the baker may take it

And into bread make it

And bring us a loaf in the morn.

Blow wind, blow

And go, mill, go

That the miller may grind his corn

That the baker may take it

And into bread make it

And bring us a loaf in the morn.


1q _________ wind, blow. What?

Ans= blow

2q And go_________ go. What?

Ans= mill

3q. That the ______ may grind his corn. What?

Ans= miller

4q That the _____ may take it, What?

Ans= bsker

5q What will he do w/ it?

Ans= Into bread bake it

Bq And bring us a _______ in the morn.

What? Ans= loaf



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