Summer Week6 news 8/12



Twitter employees can work at home forever

Twitter has told many of its employees they can work from home forever if they want. CEO Jack Dorsey told workers on Tuesday that they will be allowed to work from home even after the coronavirus pandemic ends. Twitter said: "Opening offices will be our decision. When and if our employees come back, will be their [decision]." Twitter was one of the first companies to let workers work from home in the pandemic. Twitter said most of its offices would not open before September. It added when they do open, it would be "careful, intentional, office by office and gradual".

Twitter is in a good position to have workers working from their home. Many employees and bosses can contact each other on video chat platforms like Zoom. Twitter said: "We were uniquely positioned to respond quickly and allow folks to work from home." It said its workforce is "capable of working from anywhere". It added: "The past few months have proven we can make [working from home] work. If our employees are in a role and situation that enables them to work from home and they want to continue to do so forever, we will make that happen."


1q  Who is the CEO of Twitter?

Ans= Jack Dorsey

2q  How long can its employees work?

Ans= at home forever.

3q Otherwise, when would its offices open?

Ans= September.

4q How would they open?

Ans= "careful, office by office and gradual."

5q Its workplace can work where?

Ans=they'e "capable of working anywhere."

Bq What did CEO Dorsey say?

Ans= "...we will make that happen."


bnes= Most people don''t have a CEO like Jack Dorsey. Maybe their work schedule has them coming in to work earlier than September, like in August. Dorsey was 1st in the pandemic in letting his from home. 


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