Summer News Readying 7/8 Week1



Air Bridges open to allow more people to travel 

Breaking News English新聞英語


The word "air bridge" has a new meaning. An older meaning is the walkway

that joins an airport departure lounge to an airplane. Now, it also means a way

in which people can travel safely between countries in the coronavirus pandemic.

It is also called a "travel bubble". Countries that have successfully managed the

coronavirus are creating air bridges. The United Kingdom has signed air bridge

agreements with other countries. This means there will be no quarantine requirements

for those travelling between the UK and these countries.

Travellers to the UK must tell the government of their contact details, travel details

and the address of where they will quarantine. Anyone who breaks the 14-day

quarantine will get a fine. The UK wants to open its economy and allow more

people to enter the country. It wants to allow visitors from France, Greece, Portugal and

Spain to enter the country. A newspaper said these countries are "most advantageous"

to the UK economy. The newspaper said the UK is also thinking about air bridges with

Australia, Bermuda, the Falkland Islands, Gibraltar and Montserrat.

q1 What's the 1st meaning of "air bridge"?

Ans= a walkway that joins a plane to an

airport's departure lounge

q2 What's the new meaning of "air bridge"?

Ans= a way in which people can safely travel

between countries during the pandemic.

q3 What must travelers to London do?

Ans= tell the .U.K. government their contact details,

travel details and address of where they will quarantine. 


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