
Showing posts from July, 2020

Friday Riddle Homework week2 7/17

Friday Riddle  Riddle2:  If you’ve got me, you want to share me; if you share me, you haven’t kept me. What am I? Answer:  A secret Riddle3: It belongs to you, but other people use it more than you do. What is it? Answer:  Your name Riddle4:  What can you catch, but not throw? Answer:  A cold Riddle5:  What has words, but never speaks? Answer:  A book Riddle6:  What can travel all around the world without leaving its corner? Answer:  A stamp Riddle7:  What has a head and a tail but no body? Answer:  A coin Riddle8:  Where does one wall meet the other wall? Answer:  On the corner Riddle9:  What building has the most stories? Answer:  The library   Riddle10:  What tastes better than it smells? Answer:  Your tongue

THE WONDERFUL WIZARD OF OZ 綠野仙踪《奥兹国的魔法师》電影播放室

THE WONDERFUL  WIZARD  OF  OZ   綠野仙踪 《 奥兹国 的 魔法师 》 It is like the American version of Harry Potter! "The Wizard of Oz" has become an important part of multiculturalism, is famous all over the world, and is one of the most famous fairy tales in the United States [3], which has been translated into more than 50 languages and published 它好比美國版的哈利波特! 《绿野仙踪》已经成为多元文化的重要组成部分,闻名于全球,为美国最著名的童话故事之一 ,被翻译成50多种语言出版.  更多關於本書的信息請大家點擊這裡 舞台舞蹈表演

Summer News Readying 7/8 Week1

Image ⅞ NEWS READING LESSON   Air Bridges open to allow more people to travel  Breaking News English 新聞英語  From: T he word "air bridge" has a new meaning. An older meaning is the walkway that joins an airport departure lounge to an airplane. Now, it also means a way in which people can travel safely between countries in the coronavirus pandemic. It is also called a "travel bubble". Countries that have successfully managed the coronavirus are creating air bridges. The United Kingdom has signed air bridge agreements with other countries. This means there will be no quarantine requirements for those travelling between the UK and these countries. T ravellers to the UK must tell the government of their contact details, travel details and the address of where they will quarantine. Anyone who breaks the 14-day quarantine will get a fine. The UK wants to open its economy and allow more people to enter t

Summer Week6 news 8/12

Image 8/12   Twitter employees can work at home forever Twitter has told many of its employees they can work from home forever if they want. CEO Jack Dorsey told workers on Tuesday that they will be allowed to work from home even after the coronavirus pandemic ends. Twitter said: "Opening offices will be our decision. When and if our employees come back, will be their [decision]." Twitter was one of the first companies to let workers work from home in the pandemic. Twitter said most of its offices would not open before September. It added when they do open, it would be "careful, intentional, office by office and gradual". Twitter is in a good position to have workers working from their home. Many employees and bosses can contact each other on video chat platforms like Zoom. Twitter said: "We were uniquely positioned to respond quickly and allow folks to work from hom

Summer Week5 News 8/5

Image 8/5   Giant hornets reach North America Few insects are as scary and as venomous as the Asian giant hornet. These fearsome creatures live in Japan and Korea but are moving across the Pacific Ocean to the USA and Canada. The hornets kill around 40 people a year in Japan. They also destroy colonies of honeybees. A few dozen hornets can kill an entire colony of 30,000 bees in a few hours. They take off the heads of the bees. Authorities in Washington on the west coast of the USA have warned people to be careful of the hornets. Beekeepers are worried about their beehives.   The hornets are big - about five centimeters long. A bee breeder said: "They're like something out of a monster cartoon with this huge yellow-orange face." The hornet's sting is very painful. A beekeeper described the pain. He said: "It was like having