Aesop’s Fables: The Old Lion and The Fox 伊索寓言:狐狸和老獅子

Aesop’s Fables: The Old Lion and The Fox



q1. Where did the old lion live? 

Ans= in a forest.

q2 Why did he grow weak? 

Ans-due to old age.

q3. What was his plan? 

Ans= pretend he was sick and devour 

any animal that came in to see him.

q4. The lion was What? 

Ans= king of the forest.

q5. What was the fox? 

Ans-clever, because he discovered the lion's trick.

Bonus q.= Who replied, "Why don't you

come inside and meet me? 

Ans= the old lion.

q1. Where did the old lion live? Ans= in a forest.

q2 Why did he grow weak? Ans-due to old age.

q3. What was his plan? Ans= pretend he was sick and devour any animal that came in to see him.

q4. The lion was What? Ans= king of the forest.

q5. What was the fox? Ans-clever, because he discovered the lion's trick.

Bonus q.= Who replied, "Why don't you come inside and meet me? Ans= the old lion.


fs= the moral of the story-- be alert and pay attention to the surroundings; and never trust a fake person. All the animals became prey but the wise fox. He discovered the lion was lying. Be like the fox and elude disaster. Find out fakery..



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