Aesop’s Fables: The Oak Tree and The Reeds 伊索寓言:橡樹與蘆葦

Aesop’s Fables: The Oak Tree and The Reeds
On the bank of a river, there stood a tall and strong oak tree near to some reeds. The oak tree was very proud of its strength and size. He often used to make fun of the weak and slender reeds.  

One day, as a wind started blowing, the oak tree, as usual, said mockingly “Oh! Reeds you move to and fro even with the slightest breeze.” The reeds kept quiet and continued to sway back and forth. “Look at me. I am so strong and mighty. Nothing can uproot me or bend me” boasted the oak tree.The Oak Tree and The Reeds

The wind got furious and turned into a hurricane. The little reeds prevented themselves from getting uprooted by bowing their heads and swaying with the rhythm of the wind. But the oak tree which stood straight and tried fighting the hurricane wind was soon uprooted and thrown into the river.

Moral of the oak tree and the reeds story
It is better to bend than break. It is better to be flexible than stubborn.
Never be so proud of yourself. One should be humble always.
Pride goes before a fall
1q What was the oak tree?
Ans= tall and strong
2q What were the reeds?
Ans= weak and slender.
3q What did the wind do?
Ans=started blowing.
4q What did the reeds do?
Ans= kept quiet
5q What did the wind turn into?
Ans=a hurricane
Bonus q= What's the moral of this story?
Ans= It is better to bend than break. it's better to be flexible than stubborn...etc..
fs=Like the moral, be
flexible. Bend with life's winds,don't break. Don't be stubborn as a mule or ox. Be flexible like Stretch Armstrong.


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