Aesop’s Fables: The Bundle Of Sticks 伊索寓言:一捆木棍

Aesop’s Fables: The Bundle Of Sticks
Once upon a time, there lived a farmer in a village. He had 3 strong and handsome sons. They always quarreled with one another. He advised his sons many times to have peace and unity among them. But his sons ignored his advice and continued to fight with each other. This worried the farmer.The Bundle of Sticks

One day, he had a plan. He brought a bundle of sticks and called his sons. He asked each of his sons, in turn, to try to break the bundle of sticks. Each son tried with all his strength, but none succeeded.

He then untied the bundle and gave the sticks to his sons to break one by one which they did easily.The Bundle of Sticks

The farmer smiled and said “dear sons, just like the sticks if you stay united no enemy will be able to break or harm you. But if you are divided you will be easily broken or defeated by any enemy”.The Bundle of Sticks

The three sons understood the power of unity and promised to stay together through thick and thin.

Moral of the story
Unity is strength.

1q Where did the farmer live? 

Ans=a village.

2q How many sons did he have? 

Ans= 3.

3q What did he advise them to do? 

Ans=to have peace and unity among them.

4q Did they heed his advice? 

Ans= no, they ignored it & kept fighting w/ each other.

5q What was the farmer's plan? 

Ans= Each son took the bundle but couldn't break it. 

Bq. How could the farmer break the sticks? 

Ans= one by one. 

fs= "Unity is strength." is the moral of the story. Bundled together, they are strong. But separate, they are weak. Like Benjamin Franklin said, "Either we stand together or hang separately."


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