Aesop’s Fables: The Stag at the Pool 伊索寓言:池邊的鹿

Aesop’s Fables: The Stag at the Pool





1q What did the stag do when it was overcome w/ heat? 

Ans= It came to a spring to drink.

2q What did he see reflected in the water?

 Ans= his own shadow.

3q What did he do? 

Ans=Greatly admired the size and variety of

 his horns.

4q Why did the stag feel angry w/ himself? 

Ans=because he had such slender + weak feet.

5q. What other animal was crouched go spring 

upon him as he contemplated himself? 

Ans= the lion.

Bonus q.= How did the stag save himself? 

Ans= He took to flight, exerting his utmost speed...


fs= the moral of the story is "What is most truly valuable is often underrated." The male deer loved his top but hated his legs. Maybe you also love parts of your body and dislike others. Don't be like the stag. There is a reason some parts are stronger and others weaker. He admired his top but hated his legs yet was let down by his horns which entangled him. He undervalued what he should have better valued.




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