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June 2021 Story

  June 06 Story 6/2,6/4,6/7,6/9,6/11,6/14,6/16,6/18,6/21,6/23 6/2, 6/2: the little elder tree mother- v= little Ida's flowers: v: The Little Elder-Tree Mother 小小接骨木樹媽媽 by Hans Christian Andersen (1845) HERE  was once a little boy who had caught cold; he had gone out and got wet feet. Nobody had the least idea how it had happened; the weather was quite dry. His mother undressed him, put him to bed, and ordered the teapot to be brought in, that she might make him a good cup of tea from the elder-tree blossoms, which is so warming. At the same time, the kind-hearted old man who lived by himself in the upper storey of the house came in; he led a lonely life, for he had no wife and children; but he loved the children of others very much, and he could tell so many fairy tales and stories, that it was a pleasure to hear him. “Now, drink your tea,” said the mother